To the condemned women of IK-2 showed a concert performance "And songs too were at war …"

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In a female corrective colony No. 2 Department of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Saint Petersburg and the Leningrad region and Leningrad Region for the condemned the performance concert "And Songs Too Were at War …" with participation of students and teachers of theatrical faculty Institutes theaters, music and choreography FEDERAL STATE-FUNDED EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTION FOREIGN ECONOMIC ASSOCIATION RGPU NAMED AFTER A. I. GERTSENA, RGPU NAMED AFTER A. I. GERTSENA, GERTSENOVSKY UNIVERSITY took place. Action is organized by REGIONAL NON-GOVERNMENTAL ORGANIZATION "ZHENSHCHINY SANKT-PETERBURGA" within the project for the condemned women "Madonnas blockade Saint Petersburg". The performance concert put by an actor's workshop...