At a branch exhibition "Neva" will sign GUMRF

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From September 18 to September 21 in Saint Petersburg the XVII international exhibition and conference on civil shipbuilding, navigation, activity ports, to ocean and shelf development "Neva-2023" will take place. The state university sea and river fleet of a name of the admiral Makarov S. O. it becomes traditional the participant of key branch action of year. So, the ceremony of signing of the cooperation agreement between FEDERAL STATE-FUNDED EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTION FOREIGN ECONOMIC ASSOCIATION "GUMRF NAMED AFTER ADMIRALA S. O. MAKAROVA" and FAU "Russian Sea Register of Navigation" will take place on September 20. From outside FEDERAL STATE-FUNDED EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTION FOREIGN ECONOMIC ASSOCIATION "GUMRF NAMED AFTER ADMIRALA S. O. MAKAROVA" the document will be signed by the rector Sergei Baryshnikov, from outside "Russian...