PUBLIC JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "NOVATEK" plans to receive 11 gas carriers during 2023-2024

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The first loading on the Murmansk reloading complex is expected on September 15 PUBLIC JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "NOVATEK" expects to receive in the current year two Arc7 gas carriers, ordered for the project" Arktik SPG 2", and in the following – nine gas carriers. About it reports information agency "Interfaks" with reference to the vice-chairman of board of companies Eugenie Nikolaevich Ambrosov. According to him, floating LNG storages in Murmansk and on Kamchatka Territory, established PUBLIC JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "NOVATEK" for transfer of the liquefied natural gas from vessels of the Arctic class in conventional vessels ", will be used to the maximum, especially in Murmansk which power makes 15 million tons...