In Management Administration office ministry justices Russian Federation on Pskov region the festive event devoted to the 221 anniversary of educations of Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation] took plac

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On September 08, 2023 the festive event devoted to the 221 anniversary of educations of Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation took place. Staff of ESTABLISHMENT YUSTITSII PO GOSUDARSTVENNOY REGISTRATSII PRAV NA NEDVIZHIMOE IMUSHCHESTVO I SDELOK S NIM NA TERRITORII PSKOV OBLAST and their children. Also on a festive event the chief of Managements Nicholas Lvovich Okolesnov handed over letters of thanks Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation and collections of creative works to children of federal civil civil servants of Managements for participation in the stock "My Relative Otchiznu Protected" devoted to the 78th anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War...