Aleksey Borisovich Chursinov commented on foreign intervention in elections in the territory Novgorod Region

@53 novosti
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The head of fraction of Liberal Democratic Party of Russia in Novgorodsky district region duma Aleksey Borisovich Chursinov during a live broadcast "Days and nights of elections" commented on a course of voters of campaign in Uniform voting day. "There are parties which give the constructive agenda, and there are those who tries to jump out on the conflict, on haype, drawing attention to itself(himself). At us and in life it is arranged. Someone the reason achieves the objective, and someone words rushes" — skazalaleksy Aleksey Borisovich Chursinov. According to him, pre-election race took place structurally and konkurentno. However the fact of that in Russian United Democratic Party "Yabloko" is recognized the inoagenty...