Natalia Grozovskaya designated Arkady Kudryashov Youri Shatunov

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Natalia Grozovskaya called Youri Shatunov. On September 6 to the soloist "Tender May" 50 years could be executed. Image source: the page Natalia Grozovskaya on social networks Natalia Grozovskaya acted together with Youri Shatunov, and then started writing for him songs. The composition "Sister" was created by it in 1996. The former wife Andrey Aleksandrovich Razin in anniversary wanted to assign flowers to a grave of the colleague, but it did not pass to the widow Svetlana who grieved there together with children. Arkady Kudryashov declared Natalia Grozovskaya the person non grata. Even after death he tries to earn on Youri Shatunov...