The trainer assumed combined Norway who becomes an owner of "A gold ball"
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The head coach combined Norway Stole Solbakken called the forward Football club "Inter Mayami" Lionel Messi the main candidate for "A gold ball" following the results of a season 2022/2023. "Most likely, the choice will be between Lionel Messi, Kilian Mbappe Lotten and Erling Breut Kholand. The others — outsiders. If want to know my opinion, I would tell that Lionel Messi — because of triumph in the World Cup become the winner. It always has impact. And Kilian Mbappe Lotten there was. Holann became the best goal-scorer, broke some records and won a prize to the best player of year to England in each category. Besides he won UEFA Champions League" — told...