Exclusive interview.  Anna Kovalchuk and Sergei Peregudov told about Pskov, about destiny theaters and the Russian classics

@GTRK "Pskov"
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The anniversary XXX-th Pushkin festival opened musical and poetic performance "Onegin Eugenie. Novel pages" with participation of the glorified actors Saint Petersburg State budget cultural institution "Sankt-Peterburgsky akademichesky theater named after Lensoveta". online newspaper "Vesti.Ru" managed to talk to known actors –  Anna Kovalchuk and Sergei Peregudov about Pskov, about destiny theaters and the Russian classics. Nikolaeva Anastasia, correspondent: "Hello,  Anna Kovalchuk, you often happen in Pskov Region, and quite recently judging by your social networks, visited the Pushkin memorial estate, tell about your impressions? "  Anna Kovalchuk, national actress Russian Federation: "We here...
 Anna Kovalchuk
Last position: Actress
Sergei Peregudov
Last position: Actor (Saint Petersburg city State budget cultural institution "Sankt-Peterburgsky akademichesky theater named after Lensoveta")
Onegin Eugenie
Nikolaeva Anastasia