Floods in Istanbul did not lead to a collapse in prices on rounds to Turkey for residents of Tyumen

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Residents of Tyumen do not refuse the paid trips of the Photo: Rusanov Sergei / Russian information company "URA.Ru" Residents of Tyumen do not refuse the paid trips to Turkey because of arisen in Istanbul a flood. Thus natural disaster was not reflected in the cost of rounds in any way. The manager of travel agencies reported Weekend to RBC about it Tyumen Natalya Romanova . Strong heavy rain, become the flood reason, fell upon Istanbul on September 5. In areas Arnavutköy, Bashakshekhir and Kyuchyukchekmedzhe because of heavy rains were indistinct roads, and cars are flooded. tourism expert Sapronova Eugenia told daily business newspaper "RBK daily" Tyumen that the Turkish authorities quickly react...
Rusanov Sergei
Romanova Natalia
Sapronova Eugenia