At school No. 1 Sol-Iletsk solemnly opened the updated sports hall

@RIA "Orenburzh'e"
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Overhaul was carried out in the summer within the party project "Children's Sports" and the Success of Each Child program of the <7> Education national project. On object of the national program large-scale construction works were carried out, window and door blocks, electric lighting system are replaced, floors and walls are repaired, rooms of locker rooms are updated. Also for pupils acquired the new sports equipment. The ceremonial opening of a gym was visited by the deputy secretary of the Orenburg regional office of party, the head of regional executive committee of "United Russia" Party Mironenko Youri, the secretary...
Mironenko Youri
Abubakirova Lilia
Zakharov Vitaly
"United Russia"
Political ideology:Centrism, liberal conservatism, etatism