Kurkov Ravshan for the first time visited International festival of Muslim cinema to Kazan

@GTRK "Tatarstan"
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Under flashes of chambers and shine of spotlights, citizens of Kazan welcomed on the eve of stars of the Russian and foreign cinema on a red path at theaters Kamal Galiskar. To Kazan International festival of Muslim cinema opened. This one of the brightest cultural events that takes place in Republic of Tatarstan since 2005. About the ceremony atmosphere — Zalyaeva Elmira. Start International festival of Muslim cinema begins, […] The post Kurkov Ravshan for the first time visited International festival of Muslim cinema to Kazan first appeared on of broadcasting company "Tatarstan"...
Emir Kusturica
Last position: Film director
Vasil Shaykhraziev
Last position: Deputy prime minister (Government of the Republic of Tatarstan)
Milyausha Aytuganova
Last position: Director (State budget cultural institution PT "Tatarkino")
Kurkov Ravshan
Kamal Galiskar