"All hot, fragrant": Ludmila Ogorodova has breakfast at two schools Tomsk

@MK.RU Tomsk
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The deputy governor Tomsk Region on scientific educational complex in the telegram-channel laid out on September 5 the post devoted to food of school students in lyceum No. 8 and at school by No. 16. To both educational institutions of the deputy governor managed to go itself and personally to try that give to school students for breakfast. "The lyceum No. 8 is filled with children's voices already at 8.30. The three first a class, 100 seats in dining rooms. Teachers say that pilaf - one of favourite dishes at children. Tried, it was pleasant to me: meat is boiled thoroughly, salt has some", - described a situation in lyceum Ludmila Ogorodova. the official arrived to the 16th school to...
Ludmila Ogorodova
Last position: The deputy governor on scientific educational complex and digital transformation (Administration of the Tomsk region)
Makhinya Dimitri
Meta (it is forbidden in RF)
Main activity:Communication and IT
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