Yegor Alekseevich Orudzhev — about loss Bedrin Nikita to the workmate at the command of F-3: Barnard Taylor is two years more senior

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The constant expert "Championships", the bronze prize-winner of the Formula V8 3.5 Yegor Alekseevich Orudzhev commented on results of a debut season of the Russian Bedrin Nikita in the Formula-3. Bedrin Nikita took the 18th place in the overall ranking, having won two podiums. His workmate Barnard Taylor became the tenth. "Difficult season. As a whole to take a step from F-4 in F-3 in 17 years — it is very difficult. I, for example, in 18 years went the second year to Renault 2.0. And here rubber works for you one circle, routes new and one training before qualification. Despite it, were both speed gleams, and two podiums. Also we do not forget, what team he supported. Yes...