On Kamchatka Territory ashes from Shiveluch Volcano extended on 110 kilometers

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In Kamchatka Territory ashes from Shiveluch Volcano extended on 110 km, declared in Administration of the municipal district Ust-Kamchatsk with reference to IVIS DVO Russian Academy of Sciences. © the Kamchatka branch FITS YEGS RAN "Is registered lifting by a wind of resuspendirovanny ashes from a volcano's slope Shiveluch, a continuous strip up to 3 km high... it was stretched on 110 km to the east from a volcano" — the administration in Telegram Messenger (resurs narushaet zakon RF) reports. It is specified that ashes can settle in settlements of the Ust-Kamchatsky municipal area. On June 23 head of the Kamchatka group of response to volcanic eruptions...