Yandeks.Dzen opened to authors and business opportunity to advance the materials on a platform

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Soderzhaniye2023 Possibility of promotion of the articles Opportunity to keep horizontal videos Opportunity to connect phone to the TV or a smart prefix LLC "YANDEKS" opened the income from sales Yandeks.Dzen Opportunity to remove vertical rollers with tracks Integration with service of social network "VKontakte" "Pulse" 2022 Opportunity to adjust the personal tape Transaction Closing on sale Yandeks.Dzen social network "VKontakte" the Beta of design Yandeks.Dzen Signing of binding agreements about purchase social network "VKontakte" services Yandeks.Novosti and Yandeks.Dzen Sale to holding social network "VKontakte" access Closing for foreign users the Temporary transfer on a format of subscriptions 2021 Allocation...