Thanks, men. Come back with the Victory! To soldiers volunteers handed over Tsaregradsky crosses for Artemovsk

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The founder of Tsargrad Malofeev Konstantin together with the commander of crew of SDD Of St. George, MOO "SDD" chapter MOO "SDD", the deputy of State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation Alexander Boroday handed over Tsaregradsky crosses to several tens soldiers of the Union of volunteers Donets Basin. The other day under Artemovsk together with my friend and the colleague Alexander Boroday handed over Tsaregradsky crosses to several tens soldiers of the Union of volunteers Donets Basin. The battalion "Bastion" (former "Kherson") Saint Georgy's crews and BARS-13 division "Russian world", - the founder of Tsargrad Malofeev Konstantin told at himself in Telegram. Photo: It reminded Tsargrad...