The Ministry of Justice included the Nobel winner, the journalist Dimitri Muratov in the register inoagentov

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The editor-in-chief periodical e-edition "Novaya gazeta", the winner Nobel Prize Dimitri Muratov is included by Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation in the list of foreign agents. As it is noted on a site of Ministry of Justice, Dimitri Muratov extended materials other foreign agents, and also used foreign platforms for formation of negative attitude to foreign and domestic policy Russian Federation. Besides the comedian and the ex-participating of Comedy Club Ruslan Bely, the former head of Faculty of economic sciences of FEDERALNOYE GOSUDARSTVENNOYE AUTONOMNOYE OBRAZOVATELNOYE UCHREZHDENIYE VYSSHEGO OBRAZOVANIYA "NATIONAL RESEARCH UNIVERSITY "HIGH SCHOOL EKONOMIKI", and nowadays professor of Chicago university Konstantin Sonin, living in London are recognized as foreign agents...