20 well-known actors — in youth and now

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Let's remember simply, young and beautiful our favourite Hollywood actors, from Harrison Ford to Robert Anthony De Niro were what. As time quickly flies! 1 . Harrison Ford in 39 years, 1981 the Source: buzzfeed.com Harrison Ford now Source: buzzfeed.com 2. Mandy Patinkin in 35 years, 1987 the Source: buzzfeed.com I it now Source: buzzfeed.com 3. Philip Anthony Khopkins in 33 years, 1970 the Source: buzzfeed.com Sir Philip Anthony Khopkins now Source: buzzfeed.com 4. Morgan Freeman in 34 years, 1971 the Source: buzzfeed.com Morgan Freeman now Source: buzzfeed.com 5. Cristal's bills in 29...