The settlement Gritsovsky celebrated the 69th birthday

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The settlement was founded in 1954 as mining - the settlement of Gryzlovsky mine No. 2. The name Gritsovsky occurred from located in 1 km from the settlement of station of Gritsovo. In a short space of time in Gritsovskom built houses for miners, school, library, club, hospital and other objects of infrastructure. In the 1960th years the settlement was the most well-planned settlement of the area. In 1965 Gritsovsky transformed to the settlement of city type, settlement council where more than 30 settlements enter now was created. In the settlement the monument to the miner is established. Festive events took place...
Shubchinsky Andrey
Komissarov Sergei
Kipiani Vladimir
Zhidkikh Vladimir
Shcherbatov Mikhail