"Asked not to advertize": the daughter fights the third year for put for mother with an illness as at Stephen Hawking medicines

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After journalistic inquiries to the palliative patient the whole commission of doctors 66-year-old Zhiltsov Tatyana from Krasnoyarsk came there lives with the diagnosis "a lateral amyotrophic sclerosis" the third year. Because of an illness it is immobilized and can communicate only eyes. It is impossible to cure it, it is possible to support life only. This every minute the daughter Zhiltsov Tatyana — Andreeva Eugenia is occupied. All these years the resident of Krasnoyarsk fights for life of mother, and even for uninterrupted delivery necessary the equipment and raskhodnik, they are put by order of Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation. Our colleague, correspondent of NGS24.RU...