Scientists Institutes studying of aging of RGNKTs at conference on computing molecular biology

@RNIMU im. Pirogova
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From August 3 to August 6 on base Skolkovo higher education institution science and technologies there took place the 11th Moscow conference on computing molecular biology (MCCMB'23). This year on it representatives of leading Russian scientific groups in the field of bioinformatics, system and structural biology, molecular evolution, comparative genomics, molecular genetics met. Institute studying of aging of the Russian gerontological scientific and clinical center of FGAOU VO TO RNIM NAMED AFTER N. I. PIROGOV MINISTRY OF HEALTH OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation within implementation of the Priority 2030 program presented at once three works. - For our laboratory participation in such conference — excellent...
Mikhail Vigovsky
Last position: Head of the district (Administration of the Yermakovskoye district)
Arbatsky Mikhail
Andriyanov A. G.
Basalov N. A.
Yefimenko A. Yu.