To Republic of Bashkortostan prepared zur belesh weighing 140 kg

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To Republic of Bashkortostan prepared zur belesh weighing 140 kg In Buzdyak district Republic of Bashkortostan there took place a festival of ethnic cuisine "Beleshfest-2023". Preparation of a national dish zur belesh weighing 140 kg became the culmination of a holiday. Hozyayushkam was required 15 kg of a flour, 40 kg of potatoes and 20 kg of meat. As the head of administration of the area Ilnur Igdiev told in social networks, specially under a dish ordered a huge frying pan with a diameter nearly 1,5 meters. On the eve of a holiday local masters also laid out the big furnace. The festival of ethnic cuisine in Buzdyak is held since 2017. In the program – master classes on...