TikTok (resurs narushaet zakon RF) for the first time fined to Russian Federation for not removal of LGBT content

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Soderzhaniyepokazateli activity 2022 Growth of net profit honor by 10 times to 530,3 million rubles Falling of a mobile traffic twice History 2023: TikTok (resurs narushaet zakon RF) for the first time fined to Russian Federation for not removal of LGBT content 2022 Loss of 72% of the income at the largest bloggers Dismissal honor all employees to Russian Federation the Russian court fined TikTok (resurs narushaet zakon RF) 3 million rubles because of LGBT promotion Roskomnadzor Decision Federal Service for Supervision in the Sphere of Communications, Information Technology and Mass Communications about application of measures of compulsion Theft of 1 million rubles work Restriction to Russian Federation 2021: Revenue growth to 3,3 billion rubles 2020: Creation of the Russian division of the Note Indicators activity 2022 Growth of the pure...