To Nizhny Novgorod Region construction 12 FAPOV] came to the en

@Vremja N
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To Nizhny Novgorod Region construction 12 medical assistant's and obstetric points (MAOP) came to the end. Works were conducted within the federal draft "Modernization of Primary Link" of the national Health care project. As reported in Ministry of construction of the Nizhny Novgorod region, on seven already completed medical assistant's and obstetric points documents are prepared, there takes place procedure of obtaining permission to their commissioning. FAPY in of the lake of Chkalovsk (of Zheleznovo, page of Vershilovo), and also in Sokolskom (of Zabolotnoye), by Koverninsk (village Belbazh), Knyagininsk (of Bubenki, page of Egoryevskoye) are completed...