"There was time in 10 less to spend for life". The founder JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "GROUP OF COMPANIES "SVYAZNOY" Maxime Nogotkov — about moving to United States of America, sanctions and the Chinese smartphones

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The founder of JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "GROUP OF COMPANIES "SVYAZNOY" Maxime Nogotkov told in the RTVI "Chronicles of the New World" program about how in 2015 went to United States of America, whether the military conflict in Ukraine and why he considers as a mistake association JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "GROUP OF COMPANIES "SVYAZNOY" with Group of companies "Yevroset" was reflected in its work. About the projects to United States of America I am engaged in any startups, generally it is creative economy or the things connected with self-development: wellness, wellbeing. One of startups which I do now — is Terra Ferra, a platform for collaborations between feshn-designers, creators, the inflyuenser, helping to develop first of all...