The review of the Moscow events in mass media for August 20

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daily social and political business newspaper "Izvestiya". To start up Artificial intelligence to the city: As Neural networks use in megalopolises Most often systems Artificial intelligence are responsible for safety. reference daily social and political business newspaper "Izvestiya". Gray on the white: Every fifth Russian works in a shadow As well as why the number of workers of informal sector for the last year changed. reference information portal "Gazeta.Ru". Moscow warned inhabitants about a rain with a thunder-storm of the Ministry of Emergency Situations warned about a rain with a thunder-storm during week-end in Moscow. reference On the 82nd year of life the national actor Igor Nikolaevich Yasulovich In 81 years died the national actor Russian Federation Igor Nikolaevich Yasulovich died. reference "daily newspaper "Komsomolskaya pravda"...