In the district Yanchi Autonomous Region of Ningxia Hui blossom a buckwheat

@IA Sin'hua
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"Yanchi / Ninsya-Hueysky ARE/, 20 August/Xinhua / Recently in the district Yanchi of the city Wuzhong Autonomous Region of Ningxia Hui China blossoms on the northwest a buckwheat. This colourful picture forms a charming look against the Great Wall site in this territory. Yanchi / Ninsya-Hueysky ARE/, 20 August/Xinhua / Recently in the district Yanchi of the city Wuzhong Autonomous Region of Ningxia Hui China blossoms on the northwest a buckwheat. This colourful picture forms a charming look against the Great Wall site in this territory. Yanchi / Ninsya-Hueysky ARE/, on August 20...