Genmenedzher of "Anaheim" about Lyubushkin Ilya: "We wanted to get the pravoruky defender. Now it will be more difficult to play against us"
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Genmenedzher of "Anaheim" spoke acquisition Lyubushkin Ilya. "Dax" exchanged the 29-year-old defender at "Baffalo", having given a choice in the 4th round of a draft of NHL-2025. Contract the 29-year-old Russian with kepkhity 2,75 million dollars works before end of the next season. "We are glad to add Lyubushkin Ilya in our structure. We wanted to get the pravoruky defender in this inter-season period. This is the dimensional player, able to play a body. It will help us at game with minority. Now it will be more difficult to play against us", – Patrick Martin Verbik told. In last season in an asset Lyubushkin Ilya 99 power receptions in 68 games – the third indicator...