16 stars, whose dresses are not so simple as seem

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Quite recently the red path reminded a solemn ball where each other in eager rivalry replaced volume skirts, graceful frills and long loops. However the creative is more important presently. Celebrities and designers even more often seek to surprise us with the unusual silhouettes, difficult details and provocative cuts. And we with pleasure watch their creativity. Zendaya Marie Shtermer Coleman Elsa Khosk Catherine Elizabeth Khadson Eve Zhaklin Longoriya Baston Jennifer Shreyder Lourens Dauttsen Krus Kendall Nicole Dzhenner Anne Zhaklin Kheteuey Rosie Hantington-Uaytli Jenna Marie Ortega Viola Davis Patrisha Runi Mara Gwen Gal Stephanie Gadot Gvinet Kate Peltrou Margaret Alys Rob Not all stars love the fashionable...