Ulanbek Bayaliev will turn "Wood" Ostrovsky Alexander into reflection about "theatrical space"

@Zhurnal Teatr
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On September 8 on the Big scene of the Petersburg Bryantsev Youth Theatre will play a premiere of performance Ulanbek Bayaliev "Wood" according to the play of the same name Ostrovsky Alexander. In last season theaters all country were let out by the prime ministers dated for the 200 anniversary since birth Ostrovsky Alexander. The director of "Wood" Ulanbek Bayaliev, however, became interested in dramatic art of the classic long before anniversaries. It is obvious that the first acquaintance to it happened in Shchepkinsky school (higher education institution at "Ostrovsky's House" — Small theater) which Ulanbek Bayaliev ended in 2001. And "The late love" on became one of its first director's works...