MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND SCIENCE OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION directs to 29,4 billion rubles on digital transformation of science and the higher education

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Soderzhaniye2023: MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND SCIENCE OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION directs to 29,4 billion rubles on digital transformation of science and the higher education 2022: Ministry of Communication and Mass Communication of the Russian Federation will use Uniform biometric system at all student's examinations 2021: Government of the Russian Federation approved the directions of digital transformation of science and the higher education 2019 Special representative of the president Dimitri Nikolaevich Peskov told how higher education institutions to survive during an era of digitalizations the Deputy minister of the higher education and sciences Denise Solodovnikov - about digitalizations branches 2018: The approval of the plan of measures "Shots and educations" within the <24> Digital economy national program See also...