Demand for housing in Moscow record-breaking vyros17 August 2023Pokupateli increased activity waiting for increase of rates on a mortgage. In more detail

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Photo source: Freepik Demand of Russians for real estate in Moscow record-breaking grew. Interest grew as to secondary housing and to new buildings. Buyers became more active because expect increase of mortgage rates, experts consider. From July 31 to August 13 in the secondary market real estates the index of demand grew with 1,01 to 1,19, in a segment of new buildings — with 1,25 to 1,46, reported in "LLC "Ayrieltor". To analytics". Increase in demand for 20% became record-breaking high in comparison with all other two-week intervals in the current year. in a demand index for 1,00 the average value of number of target actions in 2021 is accepted...
Shchekin Vladimir
Pypin Alexander
LLC "Ayrieltor"