"Barbie" at cinema — to be! We tell when inhabitants Russian Federation will be able to see the main premiere of this summer

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Recently in social networks the roller dispersed from work on the Russian postscoring of the comedy In world hire the movie "Barbie" left on July 19 and already collected more than 1 billion dollars. This most cash film shot by the woman. To Russian Federation the fenteziyny comedy while watch only covertly. And not only houses, but also at movie theaters. As the director Tatyana Shitov Davide Valiani reported, officially it will start twisting since September 4. Tatyana Shitov — the actress of a postscoring, an official voice Margaret Alys Rob to Russian Federation. Margaret Alys Rob played a leading role in the movie "Barbie". We understand, in what success of the movie and why a premiere to Russian Federation...