About modification of the List of the securities allowed to auctions

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According to Rules of listing of PUBLIC JOINT-STOCK COMPANY MOSKOVSKY EXCHANGE the Chairman of Pravleniya14.08.2023 made the following decisions: to exclude 14.08.2023: 1 . The name of the issuer / organizatsiinepublichnoye joint-stock company "First client bureau" the Name valuable bumagibirzhevy bonds percentage inconvertible paperless with the centralized accounting of the rights of a series 001P-01identifikatsionny/Registratsionny number vypuska4v02-01-32831-F-001P from 06.08.2020Torgovy kodRU000A1020S0ISIN kodRU000A1020S0Razdel Spiskatrety urovenyosnovany acceptances resheniyapogasheny issues of securities 2. Name...