The housing for Sverdlovsk workers of defense industry will be constructed with help by Open joint-stock company "Promsvyazbank"

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Moscow, on August 14, LLC "FederalPress". In Moscow the chairman Open joint-stock company "Promsvyazbank" Petr Mikhaylovich Fradkov and the head of Uralvagonzavod concern JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "RESEARCH AND PRODUCTION CORPORATION "URALVAGONZAVOD" Alexander Potapov signed the agreement on construction housing for the staff of the Ural plant. About it reported in the press service of the financial organization. "In Ural Federal District about 40% of the Russian OPK are concentrated. The enterprises conduct enormous work on modernization of productions, optimization of technical processes, leaning on engineering school, and, of course, pay special attention to questions of attraction and motivation of shots. We give full support of branch in realization of these...