To Belarus court liquidated the oldest opposition party of the country of BNF

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Moscow. August 14. information agency "Interfaks" - Supreme court Republic of Belarus liquidated one of the oldest opposition parties of the republic - BNF party ". on August 14 the Supreme court satisfied claim the Ministries of Justice and decided to liquidate BNF party", - is spoken in the message on the party page in Twitter. BNF Party was created in 1993 on the basis of social movement "Adradzhenne's" Belarusian popular front (in Russian - revival), founded in 1988 and supporting revival of the Belarusian national identity, language and culture. The leader of BNF parties Grigory Kostusev now is in...
Григорий Андреевич Костусёв
Last position: Head (Party "Belorussky Narodny Front")
Political ideology:Этатизм, либеральный консерватизм, российско-белорусский юнионизм, панславизм, евроскептицизм, экономический либерализм