Istorik-raschlenitel Oleg Sokolov in a colony decided to marry the fan

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The loud history of murder by the historian Oleg Sokolov the 24-year-old graduate student of Sankt-Peterburgsky gosudarstvenny university, St. Petersburg university or St.Petersburg State University Anastasia Yeshchenko still acquires details. While the raschlenitel serves the 12,5 years sentences, he got two competing poklonnitsami-Ekaterinami, of which he is going to marry one. To mother of the associate professor talked Oleg Sokolov after long vessels was not bad equipped in No. 6 IK. In it he, according to mother, lives as in sanatoria: three meals a day, bedroom, bath, lectures for other prisoners about stories Russian Federation and hotly favourite associate professor France. In addition, him from freedom look after at once...
Svetlana Agapitova
Last position: Representative (Commissioner for Human Rights in of the Saint Petersburg city)
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