Merits of the Olympic champion from Klin highly noted in Government of the Russian Federation

@Serp i molot
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Social network photo. On the eve of Day of the athlete to the glorified athlete from Klin Vladimir Grigoryev handed over the state award, reports Telegram to "Klinzdesnovosti". In Ministry of Sports of the Russian Federation the Minister of sports Russian Federation Oleg Matytsin handed over an award a medal an award "For merits before the Fatherland "to the 1st degree to the pupil of schools MUNICIPAL STATE-FINANCED INSTITUTION DO SSHOR "KLIN SPORTIVNY", to the Honoured Master of Sports Russian Federation, to the Olympic Champion of 22 Winter Olympic Games to Sochi to Vladimir Grigoryev. This award hand over for high sporting achievements and a big contribution to development physical culture and sport in our country...