"For an hour to death she told that is happy at last": as the official from Republic of Bashkortostan after divorce was pursued by the husband

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Even being behind a lattice, it continues to threaten people around Makhiyanova Dina married very young, but was disappointed in marriage soon and after several attempts left the spouse. It could not make it earlier because was afraid of the husband, and, probably, not for nothing. Makhiyanov Alik did not want to release the wife, he pursued her in the days without a break and threatened with murder if that does not return "to a family". Makhiyanova Dina did not give in and even asked protection from police, but it did not save it. Late night Makhiyanov Alik caught for it near the house of parents where the woman ran away, and cruelly finished with it. And after all, according to girlfriends...