Thanks to intervention of the prosecutor lighting highways from schools to Karashur Malaya Purga district] is restore

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Prosecutor's office of the Malaya Purga district of the Udmurt Republic according to the address of the citizen who has arrived on personal reception of the first deputy the prosecutor of the republic Bogdan Petrovich Kostenetsky, carried out an inspection of execution of Public institution UR "Uprautodor" legislations in the sphere traffic safety. It is established that on highway hollows and sags are available SOSh s. Urom Municipal Educational Institution to Karashur to road, and also there is no lighting. In this regard the prosecutor of the area brought to the head of establishment representation, and also initiated proceedings on an administrative offense on p.1 Art. 12. 34 Codes of the Russian Federation on Administrative Offences (non-compliance with requirements for providing...