Today birthday of the head and zoodefender

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Today, on August 11 celebrates the birthday Konakova Irina , the vice-chairman Tsentrizbirkom Sakha (Yakutia) Republic. In the same day celebrates the birthday SYCHEV'S Sycheva Zlata, the zoodefender. Doydubut t үө dyonunan kien tuttabyt! Dyoro to үҥҥү tger algyspytyn anyybyt! Sakha (Yakutia) Republic dyonun sanaatyn sayynnaryyga, horsun byyygytynan holobur buolu ҥ! Dark alley, 2/2; 8-411-233-52-84 (delivery) Now yours "Green Ry" in UDS! Join and use discounts! Salon of flowers and floristics "Green...
Konakova Irina
Sycheva Zlata