The singer Zheka told about a serious illness of the late spouse and opened the truth about the mistress

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Eugenie Grigoryev "Zhek" Eugenie Grigoryev gave big interview to the Starkhit edition where shared some details of private life. In particular, the singer told about a serious illness of the late spouse and opened the truth about the mistress. Image source: Zheki's personal page on social networks according to the actor, his spouse Krapivina Elizabeth long time suffered from a serious illness. In 2016 doctors found in it deviations of mental character. The singer Zheka did not begin to open the exact diagnosis, however noted that the verdict was lifelong. About an illness of the late spouse knew only most...
Eugenie Grigoryev
Last position: Composer, singer
Krapivina Elizabeth
Lazareva Catherina