Two ex-police officers from Nizhny Novgorod Region accuse of bribery

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Nizhny Novgorod. August 7. new information agency "NTA-Privolzhye" — Kstovo district Gorodskoye prosecutor's office Nizhny Novgorod region approved the indictment on criminal case concerning two former employees OEBIPK OMVD Russian Federation "Kstovsky". They are accused according to the item "and" of h. 5 Art. 290 of the criminal code of Russian Federation (receiving a bribe by the official, made by a group of persons), reported in Prosecutor's office of the Nizhny Novgorod region. According to the investigators, law enforcement officers got a bribe from the businessman for not attraction him to the responsibility provided by the law, and also for the general protection further and non-use to it the measures which were included into their power...