As treat a stroke, aneurism and blood clots: new technologies to neurosurgery were presented by Far East scientists

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Leading Russian and international experts in the field of neurology and endovascular neurosurgery conducted the educational course "Treatment of Patients with an Ischemic Stroke" on the basis of Far East federal universities (FGAOU IN "DALNEVOSTOCHNY FEDERAL UNIVERSITY", FAR EAST FEDERAL UNIVERSITY, FGAUO IN DVFU, DVFU). Doctors told about features of endovascular treatment of vascular pathologies, and also performed indicative seamless operation on an aneurism embolization. Action took place under the auspices of Association of endovascular neurosurgeons of the academician Serbinenko F. A. and with Priority 2030 program support. For some days neurosurgeons about only Russian Federation plunged into studying...