The carrier in will return to Crimea to a number of trains of number of times of the USSR

@RIA Novosti
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Moscow, 6 AVG - Federal state unitary enterprise RAMI "RIA Novosti". The private railway operator JOINT-STOCK COMPANY ТК "GRAND SERVICE EXPRESS" in 2024 will give to a number of trains from Moscow to Republic of Crimea numbers of times of the USSR, general director reported companies Alexander Nikolaevich Ganov ". We will return two new trains which go from Moscow (to Republic of Crimea - an edition) with the same numbers which were at Soviet Union. It is 28 flagman train, also there will be two more", - Alexander Nikolaevich Ganov told about plans for trains to Republic of Crimea for 2024. He noted that it will be trains not in a retro style. "They will be, naturally, in turquoise shades, but drawing something will repeat that you see on the grandee...