Eldor Shomurodov told how helped Fayzullaev Abbosbek to make the decision on transition to TSSKA: "Fayzullaev Abbosbek consulted on me"

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On August 4 soldiers declared transition Fayzullaev Abbosbek. the 28-year-old Uzbek forward of "Roma" Eldor Shomurodov told how helped Tashkent "Pakhtakor's" 19-year right vinger Fayzullaev Abbosbek to pass into the Moscow TSSKA. "We had dinner with Abbos in Tashkent, it consulted on me concerning transition to TSSKA. I supported its decision, after all for the football player it is always important to move to higher level" — Eldor Shomurodov for "Championship" told. On August 4 TSSKA concluded the agreement with Fayzullaev Abbosbek. the 19-year-old football player will play for soldiers at the 21st number. Contract with the midfielder is calculated to...