The ex-forward of the national team Russian Federation Nikita Alekseevich Shabalkin for the first time spoke after a fight in Moscow Region

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The former forward of the national team Russian Federation on basketball Nikita Alekseevich Shabalkin for the first time spoke after a fight in Moscow Region. Incident happened on August 1 in the residential district "Gold bathed" in Golikovo's village. At first information from mass media arrived different – one source claimed that Nikita Alekseevich Shabalkin were beaten by the owner of car wash, another reported that the basketball player was beaten by crowd of people. Nikita Alekseevich Shabalkin declared that the conflict happened to the contractor Babayan Spartak who carried out the construction order for the athlete. By words Nikita Alekseevich Shabalkin, the contractor did not execute that amount of works which was initially discussed and recorded...