DONSKOY STATE TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY, DGTU and University Province of Copperbelt Zambia will cooperate in education area , sciences and cultures

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DONSKOY STATE TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY, DGTU and University Province of Copperbelt Zambia (CBU) within The summit Russia – Africa in Saint Petersburg signed on July 28 contract about cooperation and the memorandum of understanding in the field of the academic and scientific cooperation. Signatures under documents delivered to the acting vice-chancellor (rector) of CBU Paule Tchissale and the rector of DONSKOY STATE TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY, DGTU Besik Chokhoevich Meskhi. At a ceremony of signing there was a governor Rostov Region Vasily Golubev. – We are interested in development cooperation with University Province of Copperbelt in the sphere of preparation of qualified personnel for...