Lawyers and Elina Sushkevich submitted Béla the cassation to Supreme Court of the Russian Federation

@RBK Kaliningrad
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Photo: Podgorchuk Alexander, the Protection archive condemned for murder of the baby of the Kaliningrad doctors Elina Sushkevich and Helena Belaya submitted the cassation complaint to Supreme Court of the Russian Federation with the requirement of cancellation of the sentence pronounced by Regional court of Moscow. About it writes information agency "ITAR-TASS" with reference to the lawyer Elina Sushkevich Babasov Kamil. According to him, the cassation submitted and avokaty Helena Belaya. Date of consideration is not appointed yet. Let's remind, in September, 2022 Elina Sushkevich and Helena Belaya were sentenced by Regional court of Moscow to 9 and 9,5 years of a standard regime penal colony. "The cassation submitted to judicial board on criminal...