The certifying center of "Contour" opened representation in Thailand

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Soderzhaniye2023: Representation opening in Thailand 2012: Forecasts of developments UTs JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "PENSION FUND "SPECIAL ENGINEERING OFFICE KONTUR" 2011 Release of 493 052 certificates of Digital signature to Natural persons opened an entrance on the state auction 2010: First million certificates of Digital signature 2008: The beginning of issue of digital signatures for auctions on ETP 2003: The work beginning the Certifying center of JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "PENSION FUND "SPECIAL ENGINEERING OFFICE KONTUR" – the largest commercial certifying center to Russian Federation (according to CNews). The Certifying UTs Cryptomissile Defence Center was created in 2003 on the basis of certified Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation a program complex ". Actively Russian Federation (JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "SBERBANK-AST", ETP works with the largest electronic trading platforms...